So small and loud

I think I heard it first. A new song. As usual though, looking up into the trees was pointless - I can never spot the source of the chirps. But eventually, the newcomer paid me a closer visit. I believe we had a Bewick's Wren pop by. These little guys

A Round of Robins

I spotted something orange and plump up in the trees today. Turns out we had some Robins scouting below the canopy. I counted four of them checking out the bath and foraging under leaves. American Robin

More colors

It's the colors. The variety of colors has always been a draw for me. Like flowers really. So exciting to have new colors on display. This time I believe we had a pair of Golden-crowned Sparrows. I think they were a bit on the young side. But colorful nonetheless. Golden-crowned

So small and loud

I think I heard it first. A new song. As usual though, looking up into the trees was pointless - I can never spot the source of the chirps. But eventually, the newcomer paid me a closer visit. I believe we had a Bewick's Wren pop by. These little guys

A Round of Robins

I spotted something orange and plump up in the trees today. Turns out we had some Robins scouting below the canopy. I counted four of them checking out the bath and foraging under leaves. American Robin

More colors

It's the colors. The variety of colors has always been a draw for me. Like flowers really. So exciting to have new colors on display. This time I believe we had a pair of Golden-crowned Sparrows. I think they were a bit on the young side. But colorful nonetheless. Golden-crowned

Something new

The snow melted away today - much faster than I expected. We had some of our regulars drop by for lunch. However, there was one that caught my eye. Just a tad different. I think it was a Red-breasted Nuthatch, which is weird since it was the blue-ish color that

Add two to the count

Seems the snow hasn't stopped the juncos from being messy. But we had two new visitors this morning. At first, I thought we had some fat Spotted Towhees. But no. I think we had some full on American Robins. I counted four rummaging below a tree. Spotted Towhee American Robin

Great Backyard Bird Count

Finally. I was prepared to participate. I counted. I counted lots. A total of 8 different types of birds. Sadly, no pics. I'm still sorting out issues with producing good quality images. But soon. Join us February 12–15, 2021Each year people from around the world come together to watch,
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